Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ladies and Gents, We Have a Title!

Greetings all!
In the interest of getting some work done on the book, I obviously haven't posted here for a few weeks. Good news from the book-writing front! More stories are continuing to come in, along with great leads for still others from some fantastic Warbird supporters. And the really big news this week is, the book finally has a title! "Kings of the Sky" is slated for a late-spring release date. Exciting stuff! We are working on the cover image now so that the website can be launched.
Keep thinking about those stories -- when, where, and how did a Warbird first get under your skin? What would you (or have you done) to see, touch, photograph, fly in, or help to rebuild one of these vintage World War II aircraft? There is still room and plenty of time to add your memories to the pages of "Kings of the Sky." Plans to promote it include attendance at several air shows in 2008.
Well, back to book-writing! Send in your stories, and ...
"Keep 'em flying!"

Friday, November 23, 2007

Check Out ASB

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! With Christmas right around the corner, I'm looking forward to some vacation ... and some much-needed time to work on the book!
If you haven't checked out, I highly recommend you do so. Plan to spend some time there; it's a great site that's full of photos, video and forums geared toward just about everything in the air show world. Be sure to check out the Warbirds forum!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Remember when ...

Hello all!
Thanks to everyone who has visited the blog so far, and a special thanks to those who are helping out by including information about the book in their newsletters, magazines and on their own sites. Your assistance is invaluable.

As we move forward with the collection of stories, it's time for another prompt:

Who and/or what sparked your interest in Warbirds?

I'm looking forward to your responses to this one, so be sure to post and tell your friends to do the same. Remember, we're planning to include as many of your stories in the book as we can!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Favorite stories

Greetings all!
As promised, this post will introduce the first in a series of questions from me to you about your interest in Warbirds. I'm excited about this project and I know there are many, many stories out there about how my fellow enthusiasts came to be interested in WWII aircraft. And I can't wait to read them as I complete the research for my book. So, here goes:

What is your favorite Warbird, and why?

Are bombers like the B-17 and B-24 what you can't get enough of, or do you favor the fighters? Is the thought of seeing a B-29 Superfortress enough to make you drive five hundred miles in a weekend? Do you plan summer vacations around when and where the best opportunities are to get close to an F-4U Corsair, a P-51 Mustang, or even a Spitfire? Share your stories, and stay tuned - there's much more on the way!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Hello and welcome!

Welcome to the Warbird Legacy Project. This space is more than just a blog. It is a very special undertaking, and I want to invite you to participate. Year 2008 will see the launch of my first book, a full-color compilation of stories and memories from my fellow "Warbirders" -- those who share a passion for World War II aircraft.
By launching the Warbird Legacy Project, my goal is to provide a central location where anyone can post stories, ask questions and learn more about these magnificent machines. But it doesn't stop there! Very soon I will begin posting questions for you readers as well. This is part of the research for my book and your responses will only lead to better discussions of the topics that brought us together in the first place. So once again, welcome, and please stop by often!